Get It In The Store

Posted on January 21, 2014  •  3 minutes  • 439 words
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UPDATE: This event is sold-out! If you were not able to register in time and need help getting your app published, send me an email and I’ll help you directly.

WPDev Day

Me and several other experts will be spending 6 hours with you on Saturday February 1st, 2014 to help you over come any obstacles that is preventing you from publishing an app. If you do not have any apps in the works, then come and build an App Studio app with our help. Click the Eventbrite button above to get your ticket.

Important: This is a very limited seating event and is intended for the Northeast United States, please do not register if you are 6000 miles away or do not intend on showing up, you’ll only be taking a seat away from another dev who needs it.

Here is the preliminary schedule (subject to tweaking):

By the end of the day I fully expect everyone’s apps will be ready and submitted to DevCenter and on it’s way to the global app marketplace.

What will you need to bring?


Everyone who attends and publishes their app will be entered to win a “hero” Nokia Lumia (1020, 928, 925, 920, etc) of their choice. I’ll be saving some swag/prize surprises for the day of the event. Also, Microsoft will be bringing some prizes of their own! I will update this post with more details as we get closer to Feb 1st.

Note: If you accept a prize from me, you agree to these terms.

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