Mini Code Camp

Posted on August 3, 2013  •  4 minutes  • 694 words
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I’m doing an awesome one-night mini-code camp on August 21st. Pascal Rettig (@cykod ), organizer of the Boston HTML5 Game Development meetup group, is giving me the floor to show you how to bring your awesome HTML5 skills to the fastest growing mobile platform , Windows Phone. <strong>Go here to sign up, it&rsquo;s free</strong>

Before I explain what I’ll be showing you, check out the prizes I am giving away…

Awesome Giveaways!

I will be giving away some great stuff, including:

Everyone who attends will get the following:

What Is This Mini Code Camp About?

I’ll be showing you how easy it is to build a native HTML5/JS game for Windows Phone. You can literally drag and drop your existing HTML5 game into a native Windows Phone app. If your game works on IE10 on a pc, 99% of the time it will work on the phone. Why? Because you are still developing for IE10 on the phone. Here is the break down of my presentation:

  1. 15-20 minutes: Intro- I’ll introduce myself and explain all the different free giveaways, rewards and resources that are available to you. Here is just some of the items I’ll guide you through to get
    1. Join Dvlup Nokia&rsquo;s developer rewards program (its free. Get a loaner phone to help you develop your app and get real life rewards like computers, phones, hardware, gift cards and much more. You can even get featured global WP Store placement!) Here is my profile .
    2. Nokia’s powerful Marketing In a Box. You get free professional marketing assets. Check out my last promo video, you’ll get one too
    3. Show you how to get great revenue from your app (in app purchasing is super-easy to do in WP8. literally a few lines of code)
  2. 15 minutes: Code demo- Using an existing HTML5 game, I will show you how to bring your existing game into a WP8 app. Literally just a couple steps. You will all get the full source code and slides for the demos
  3. First Giveaway! - I will raffle off a pair of great Purity In-Ear Headphones and a Wenger Swiss Army TSA ready computer backpack
  4. Break: Eat! I will also provide on-on-one help on installing the WP8 SDK on your machine. I’ll be bringing the SDK on USB drives as well.
  5. 15 minutes: Using middleware- I will demo using the Unity3D game engine and deploying to the phone. The Unity3D editor is now free for Windows Phone 8 development. If you have an existing Unity3D game, you’re going to love this mini-session.
  6. 10 minutes: Questions/Answers- Ask me anything!
  7. Giveaway Time! - I will raffle off the Nokia Lumia 822, built for Verizon, but is SIM unlocked!


I recommend that you install the SDK on your PC before coming to the event. You’ll be able to follow along during the group. It also will let you find any problems during installation that you may need help with. One of the requirements on building Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 apps is that you need to be running Windows 8. You can do this in a VM if you need to. There are some great articles on how to set your VM up. If you are using a Mac, you can use Parallels or Bootcamp.

I have a blog post that will step you through setting up the SDK, and also building your first app in minutes. If you have any trouble, please send me an email and I will help you every step of the way.

I look forward to seeing you there!


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