Deep Diving with Lance

Posted on February 7, 2013  •  2 minutes  • 233 words
Table of contents

Grab your scuba gear because we’re diving into new WP8 features

Windows Phone 8 ushered in a bunch of new APIs to hook into. I am providing my Dvlup’rs with a one-on-one training experience via email (and soon, via Skype). Take a look at the topics below. I will do a mini-code camp with you on a topic of your choice, then we can apply what you’ve learned to your app idea.

Choose a topic that you would like to learn how to use (each one has several examples apps w/source)

  1. Introducing WP8 Development
  2. Designing WP8 Applications
  3. Building WP8 Applications & Async (2 sessions)
  4. Files and Storage
  5. WP8 Application Lifecycle
  6. WP8 Background Agents
  7. Local Database
  8. Tiles and Lockscreen Notifications
  9. Push Notifications
  10. Using Phone resources
  11. App to App Communication
  12. Network Communication
  13. Proximity Sensors and Bluetooth
  14. Using Speech
  15. Maps and Location
  16. Wallet and In-app Purchase (2 sessions)
  17. Windows Phone Store
  18. Enterprise Publishing and Distribution
  19. Developing for Windows 8 and WP8

Send me an email with “Deep Dive” in the subject line to ext-lance.mccarthy@nokia.com , let me know which topic(s) you would like to dig into. I will follow up and help you in any way I can.

Here is a quick map that Matthias Shapiro uses, it’s a great reference:

<img src="http://nokiawpdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/demoimagemap.png?w=547" alt="demoImageMap">

NOTE: If you are not in my region, I will connect you to your local Nokia Ambassador to follow up with you.

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