Developer Summit Awesomeness

Posted on January 11, 2013  •  2 minutes  • 396 words

I just returned from the 2013 AT&T Developer Summit in Las Vegas, and boy can I say it was a good one! Approximately 50% of mobile apps submitted to the hackathon were Windows Phone apps and the #1 winner of it all was a… you guessed it, a Windows Phone app! The winner, Ruggero Scorcioni, took home a $30,000 prize for creating an app that uses brainwave readings to determine whether or not it is a good time to make or accept a phone call. We also had other winners who created awesome Windows Phone apps. I’ll write a future post on a list of the winners, for now, lets see some pictures.

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Welcome to Vegas developers!

<img src="http://nokiawpdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/10.jpg?w=547" alt="10">

Here I (in the blue Nokia shirt) explain how to better implement Telerik’s RadChart in Partha Choudbury’s app (he went on to win a Microsoft Surface, Nokia Lumia 920, Nokia Premium Developer Program token and more!). Also in the picture, Paras Wadehra (Ambassador- Silicon Valley) and Randy Arnold (Ambassador Northern Texas).

<img src="http://nokiawpdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/21.jpg?w=547" alt="21">

Here, Chevon Christie (Nokia Ambassador - New York), lends a hand to a Windows Phone dev attendee

<img src="http://nokiawpdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/9.jpg?w=547" alt="9">

Chevon and George Salcedo (Nokia Ambassador - SanDiego) discuss important stuff :)

<img src="http://nokiawpdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/12.jpg?w=547" alt="12">

From left to right Greg Stoll (Ambassador - Southern Texas), Randy Arnold and Jan (pronounced ‘Yahn’) Hannemann (Ambassador - Vancouver) banging away at our Nokia Developer table.

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George Salcedo and the hackathon&rsquo;s #1 winner Ruggero at the Nokia 8-Bit afterparty.

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Paras is such a ham… he always knows where the cameraman is. Want more proof, here ya go…

<img src="http://nokiawpdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/151.jpg?w=364" alt="15">

yep, I’d say that’s proof enough (Paras is a really funny guy).

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George helping out an attendee

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That’s me on the big screen during the developer summit keynote speeches :)

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Jan at the Nokia booth in the main demonstration room

<img src="http://nokiawpdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/19.jpg?w=547" alt="19">

I am off-screen to the left, Rich Dunbar, Paras, George, Randy, Greg, Chevon and Jan

<img src="http://nokiawpdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/29.jpg?w=547" alt="29">

Nokia DVLUP 8-Bit after party at the top of the Palms

<img src="http://nokiawpdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/26.jpg?w=547" alt="26">

Coolest DJ table ever

<img src="http://nokiawpdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/27.jpg?w=364" alt="27">

The club ceiling had and amazing projection. Here’s a short video of it:

More to come!

(photo credit AT&T Developer facebook and video taken by me)

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