Level Up with DVLUP!

Posted on November 6, 2012  •  2 minutes  • 324 words

Got your developer hat on? Check. Got your gamer hat on? Check. Ready to earn awesome rewards for doing what you love? Check!

Great, then let’s get rolling! I am officially announcing the beginning of a brand new, groundbreaking program from Nokia for Windows Phone developers, DVLUP. You are formally invited to participate in this currently invite-only program where you earn points for your apps through completing challenges. Spend your XP on Xbox 360s, new Nokia Lumias and more.

Check it out:

How do you get to participate?

I can take care of that for you, send me an email to redacted @ nokia.com and I will give you a code to join.

There are two things you need to know before emailing me:

  1. This is only open to the US and Canada (for now), when you email me be sure to let me know what state you’re in.
  2. You don’t need to have a Dev Center account to join or get access to WP8 devices, but need one in order to compete for rewards.

Now that is out of the way, I can do something about #2 if you don’t have an account. If you are building an app, I will help you get a Dev Center account. If you are a student, you can go through Dreamspark. If you have an app that is done and ready to go, I can hook you up with a token (common sense applies here, no Hello World apps will get a token).

Head on over to DVLUP once I give you your access token.

If you don’t qualify for a token yet, but still want to dev unlock your phone and publish to the store, you can join the Nokia Premium developer program. For the same cost as the Dev Center, we will throw in a RadControls for Windows Phone license, a million Buddy.com API calls and you still get the Dev center account! Win-Win-Win.

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